Friday, March 2, 2018

I'm INFP now?

A friend of mine posted a link on Facebook recently that leads to a Jung Personality Test on The test and the way it is scored are similar to the standard Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

I found it interesting that I got mostly the same result except that my T has become an F. My feeling appears to have overtaken my thinking. The last two times I took a similar test, they both had me straight down the middle on every category and resulted in INTP. Now, nearly 15 years later, I am suddenly INFP. Personally, I don't feel a strong dominance of either one over the other, and I don't think it matters much anyway.  I do feel, however, that this summary of INFP is an accurate assessment.

INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.
Take Free Jung Personality Test
Personality Test by

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Progress Report: March 1, 2018

In my first post of the year, I outlined some goals that I intend to accomplish in 2018.  I believe the best way to improve my chances of success is to keep track of my progress on each one. To that end, here is my first progress report.

Continue to improve my physical health.
  • I will walk 1,000 miles as measured by the pedometer on my phone and Google Maps.
  • I will improve my flexibility and balance through brief daily and longer monthly activities.
  • I will monitor and chart the progress toward my ideal body weight.
On trackSo far, so good! All three of these sub-goals are progressing well.
  • As of the end of February, I have walked 203.17 miles. That puts me ahead of schedule so far.
  • I have been doing various stretches every day. I'm not sure if they're helping though.
  • My weight has dropped nearly five pounds since the beginning of the year.
Continue to improve my financial health.

I will accumulate and protect the equivalent of six months' budget as a safety net for the turbulence during my inevitable job transition.
UncertainWith the major real estate transaction that I just made, along with the various expenses involve in this unique fixer-upper opportunity, it is difficult to tell whether this goal is happening or not. I will continue to monitor it as the dust settles.
Read an average of one non-work related book per month.On trackIn January, I finished reading The Biggest Mistakes That Keep You From Living A Miraculous Life by Marci Shimoff and Debra Poneman.  I also re-listened to some good old audiobooks: As You Think by James Allen, Law of Attraction by Michael Losier, and E-Squared by Pam Grout.

In February, I began reading The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn. I have also listened to two audiobooks by Jerry and Esther Hicks: The Law of Attraction and Ask and It Is Given.
Play at least one video game per week.On trackThrough most of January and February, I was able to take short but frequent breaks to play Gauntlet: Slayer Edition and Fat Princess Adventures with my son.
Raise my professional credentials.Not startedI probably shouldn't even list this separately, since the only credential I can really work on right now is my Ph.D. which is in the ABD stage.
Complete a Testing Tutor prototype for my dissertation by May.Not startedI have debated and strategized on how to go about this, and I have a plan. Now to clear away enough other things from my task list so I can concentrate here.
Rebuild my website rather than work on a game.Not startedNo time yet.  I suspect that my dissertation is going to take precedence over this.
Play music at least once every month.FailingI enjoyed moderate success at this in January, but with the chaos of moving in February, it all fell through. I intend to get back on track with it in March.
Increase the frequency and regularity of contact with my friends.On trackI have reached out to some of my friends through text, IM, email, and social media with brief updates. I still have friends who I have not yet contacted, but it's a work in progress that is off to a great start.
Figure out my next career move.On trackAfter much contemplation and soul searching, I have come to realize that I need to stick primarily with education. To that end, I have stopped looking at software development jobs for now, and have focused my search only on education-related opportunities, including a very unique and exciting short-term curriculum support contract for a local company.