Sunday, January 5, 2014

Goals and Resolutions for 2014

I've heard that you should never share your resolutions because people will laugh at you or sabotage your efforts.  I've also heard that you should share your goals with others because they can support you and help you reach them.  I'm not sure which bit of advice is more correct, so I'll take my usual approach and compromise.  I'll share here some of my goals and resolutions for the glorious year that we are now beginning, but I'm keeping a few special ones to myself.

  • Take better care of my body.  
    • Drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables, take my doctor-recommended supplements as directed, get more exercise, take better care of problematic body parts, limit my intake of junk food and beverages.
  • Improve my financial situation.
    • Find a way to increase my income or decrease my cost of living so I can actually have a few dollars left over rather than being in the hole each month as I was through most of last year.
  • Increase my game development activity.
    • Do something project-related every week, no matter how small.  Attend more events and meetups.  Keep up with what other developers are doing.  Play a lot more of other people's games.
  • Be a better friend.
    • Reach out to a friend at least once every month.  Stop letting work and family obligations keep me reclusive.  Be more social and communicative.
  • Raise my professional credentials.
    • I know I can't do all of these, but I hope to do a couple of them:  Start work on my Ph.D, write a couple of chapters for my book, obtain CSDP certification, update my Java certification.
  • Find a work/life balance.
    • Randomly stumble across that magic formula that will let me get my work done on time and done well, while also letting me take care of my family and all of the other things on this list.  This is the only goal that I have no idea how to achieve.
I wish good fortune to us all when it comes to keeping our resolutions and improving our lives.  May the Force be with us.