Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023 Wrap-Up

Wow.  It was five years ago that I last posted an end-of-year wrap-up.  It is no coincidence that it was also the last time I took a break from my job without repercussions.

2023 has been an incredible year.  I escaped an unfeasible employment situation and raised my income in the process. I regained some autonomy in my career, and with it, some hope.  My overall wellbeing has improved immeasurably, and I am profoundly grateful.

Though I didn't blog my goalsetting efforts this year, I nevertheless set goals as I always do.  Here's how they turned out, in terms of letter grades.

Physical Health

Walking and biking distance goalA (97%)
Weight loss goalA (100%)

Financial Health

Savings/debt goalF (30%)
Improve cashflowA (Pass/Fail)

Life Balance

Reading goalA (96%)
Video game frequency goalA (100%)
Video game completion goalF (Pass/Fail)
Board/card game goalA (100%)
Jigsaw puzzle goalA (100%)

Professional Development

Make a plan for completing Ph.D.F (10%)
Complete Unity Essentials PathwayF (33%)
Complete Unity Junior Programmer PathwayF (0%)
Complete card interpreter projectB (80%)
Complete game concierge projectC (70%)

Hobby Projects

Rebase Mansions of Madness monster miniaturesA (100%)
Paint Star Wars blaster replicasF (10%)
Assemble Area 51 modelF (10%)
Make a custom Ghostbusters dice towerA (100%)
Build a Mansions of Madness map tile organizerA (100%)

The coming year's goals will include many of the same things. Some will be revised or refined. I'm working on it!