Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Year-End Wrap-Up

Here we are at the end of 2014.  My first blog post of the year was a list of goals and resolutions for the year that just ended, so now, on the last day of the year, seems like a good time to review those intentions and see how well they turned out for me.

My documented goals were these:

Goal:  Take better care of my body.  
Status:  Success.  I now drink more water and less soda than I used to. I've been eating more fruits and vegetables when they are available. I've become increasingly better at taking the supplements and medications that my doctor recommended for me.  However, I still need to get more exercise and take better care of my body in general.

Goal:  Improve my financial situation.
Status:  Success.  I have trimmed my spending to almost nothing, which still doesn't leave me quite enough to cover all of my expenses on the average month, but I am closer now than I have been since I moved here six years ago.  I am highly optimistic that 2015 will finally allow me to break even by the end of the year.

Goal:  Increase my game development activity.
Status:  Failure.  Though I did make my first substantial demo of my new engine, it's certainly not a finished game.  Graduate school and the ever increasing demands of my job and family life have essentially removed me entirely from the game dev scene this year, which has taken a serious toll on my psychological well-being.

Goal:  Be a better friend.
Status:  Success.  I can't take all the credit, because I had some very dear friends just reach out to me unexpectedly and reconnect just like old times.  I am profoundly grateful in a way that words cannot express.  I still don't keep in touch with my friends like I want to, but at least I have a few special ones in my life on a regular basis now.  I needed this in a way that I never thought possible.

Goal:  Raise my professional credentials.
Status:  Success.  I didn't obtain any certifications like I'd hoped, but I did start work toward my Ph.D.  That's huge.

Goal:  Find a work/life balance.
Status:  Failure.  I still have absolutely no idea how to get my work done on time and done well, while also letting me take care of my family and all of the other things on this list.  I shall renew this goal for 2015 and just keep trying.

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