Friday, April 9, 2021

More Randonautica Fun

This is a quick post about two more Randonautica intentions just so I don't forget about them.

Yesterday's Trip Broke My "Pattern"

Yesterday, while my son and I were returning home from a dental appointment, we decided to go randonauting on our way home.  We set the intention of new, hoping to see something new, something being built or created, or something we've never seen before.  The point it generated, an attractor power anomaly, was well inside a golf course, far away from anything we could easily access at the time.  Since we hadn't known about the golf course before this, I suppose you could say it was new to us.  We still have no idea what would have been at the point or in the zone.  I rate the fulfillment of this intention as inconclusive.  It's debatable.

The main reason this is worth mentioning is because it disproves the apparent pattern that I mentioned in my last post.  Our first experiences with Randonautica seemed to always give us attractors at familiar, well-traveled spots, and voids took us to new and unfamiliar places.  This breaks the pattern, as I don't play golf and will likely never set foot on this golf course.  Therefore, this was an attractor at an unfamiliar and highly unlikely place.

Today's Google Maps Randonauting

Today, my kid was playing with my phone and he opened Randonautica.  He set the intention of fun and generated a point.  The point it generated was another void, but was in easy walking distance of our house.  Since we didn't have time for a walk at the moment, we decided to check out the spot on Google Maps just out of curiosity.

The exact location of the point it generated, with the intention of fun, was someone's backyard swimming pool.  Because of thick foliage along the street side, it was only barely visible from street view, but on the overhead map, it was precisely the exact location generated by Randonautica.  Wow!  Intention clearly fulfilled!

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