Saturday, October 18, 2014

I Never Thought I'd Love Requirements Engineering

Anyone who knows me or has read my blogs knows that I'm a software engineer with a sick level of passion for the subject.  Software engineering is comprised of a variety of disciplines and knowledge areas, so it's only natural that one would be attracted to some areas, repulsed by some, and remain neutral to some.

A current grad school class (CSCI715 at North Dakota State University with Dr. Gursimran Walia) required us to read two papers about requirements engineering, which has always been a topic that I acknowledge as an utterly necessary activity, but not one that I found particular enjoyable.  However, as I read these papers, I found myself being drawn in and becoming rather excited about some of the research directions in this area.  (I know I'm a nerd.  Shut up.)

Requirements engineering (RE) is arguably the most critical activity in a software engineering effort, possibly second only to construction.  The aim of this process is to develop a clear understanding of how a new software system is expected to behave and perform.  The importance of this cannot be overstated, for without this understanding, other activities cannot be completed with certainty.  Design, development, testing, configuration management, deployment, and practically every other software engineering activity depends heavily on the presence of a complete, accurate, verifiable, and clear specification of requirements.  Without an understanding of the expectations, we have no way of knowing when the work is finished.  We would have no means of assessing the correctness of the resulting behavior.

Legendary software engineer Frederick P. Brooks, in his paper No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering, writes:

The hardest single part of building a software system is deciding precisely what to build. No other part of the conceptual work is as difficult as establishing the detailed technical requirements, including all the interfaces to people, to machines, and to other software systems. No other part of the work so cripples the resulting system if done wrong. No other part is more difficult to rectify later.  Therefore, the most important function that the software builder performs for the client is the iterative extraction and refinement of the product requirements. (Brooks 1987)

Given the magnitude of these implications, it is expected that software engineers would make efforts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the requirements engineering process.  Two papers that propose such improvements are Requirements Engineering: A Roadmap by Bashar Nuseibeh and Steve Easterbrook; and Research Directions in Requirements Engineering by Betty H.C. Cheng and Joanne M. Atlee.

Nuseibeh and Easterbrook begin in a typical fashion by justifying the importance of requirements engineering and then analyzing a formal definition of it.  Then they break away from the pack in a variety of ways:  First, they argue quite effectively that RE involves more than just business and technology, but that it also depends on psychology, anthropology, sociology, linguistics, and philosophy.  Second, they propose requirements management and communication as integral umbrella activities.  Though this appears to be stating the obvious, it is an area that many authors neglect to adequately address.  Also, rather than just providing simple examples of the primary RE activities, they include a moderately detailed list of approaches for accomplishing each one.  Finally, and perhaps most significantly, they reorganize the classic paradigm into more specific categories:  eliciting, modeling and analyzing, communicating, agreeing, and evolving.

The first of these activities is elicitation, the process of extracting software requirements from the people and environment surrounding the need for a new software system.  Nuseibeh and Easterbrook recommend beginning the elicitation process by identifying system boundaries, the results of which will continue to influence further elicitation efforts.  To accomplish this, they advise requirements engineers to identify the stakeholders, elicit their business and technical goals, and explore a series of scenarios including the way things are done before the new system is available and the ways that the new system is expected to change the performance of these tasks.  The techniques proposed to elicit this information include traditional data gathering, joint application design, prototyping, modeling, cognitive knowledge acquisition, and various contextual techniques.

Proceeding forward from elicitation is analysis, the process of solidifying, refining, and organizing the requirements obtained through elicitation.  The most common and effective technique for performing analysis is to create models, upon which Nuseibeh and Easterbrook place such emphasis as to rename the process with it -- “Modelling and Analyzing Requirements”.  The authors describe the use of models for analysis in five distinct categories:

  1. Enterprise models that document an organization’s structure, operations, and goals;
  2. Data models to represent details and relationships in the information that a system must produce, process, and/or store;
  3. Behavioral models to explore the functional activities of people and systems;
  4. Domain models to capture important aspects of the business, technical, and/or physical environment in which a system will operate; and
  5. Non-functional requirements models to express the quality attributes of a system.

Throughout all of the phases in RE, communication intermingles with other umbrella activities.  Communication is primarily documentation which takes numerous forms depending on the nature of the requirements being communicated and the intended audience.  Proper documentation simplifies the process of requirements management by enabling requirements traceability (RT), which is the ability to track a requirement from its original elicitation through implementation and beyond.

One key thing that Nuseibeh and Easterbrook handle very differently from most authors is their treatment of verification, which is an attempt to ensure that requirements are correct and complete.  Instead, they refer to the concept of agreeing requirements, which concentrates more on validation than verification.  Validation is the task of ensuring that the requirements statements accurately reflect the true needs of the stakeholders.  Agreeing requirements involves making sure that the stakeholders all agree with the requirements statements, and may possibly involve some negotiation techniques to reach consensus.

Finally, Nuseibeh and Easterbrook confront the inevitable problem of change by including a discussion on evolving requirements.  The process of evolving requirements is really just a form of another software engineering activity -- change management, which involves expecting change and following an established procedure for responding to it.  Since requirements can change at any point, the process of evolving requirements incorporates all other phases of requirements engineering, possibly requiring an engineer to revisit phases that have already been performed in order to successfully incorporate the new changes.  Evolving requirements exemplifies the need for requirements traceability and demands, at the very least, a return to elicitation and analysis.

Whereas Nuseibeh and Easterbrook’s paper focused primarily on current practices in requirements engineering, Cheng and Atlee’s paper looks to the future by exploring and summarizing research directions.  Essentially, they begin with an explanation of why RE is difficult, summarize the current state of the art of RE research, and then proceed to identify future research areas to help manage the difficulties identified.

Cheng and Atlee do an exceptional job of describing the purpose of each RE phase; presenting each one with a concise definition and justification for its existence.  By concentrating on each activity’s intent, the authors draw clear connections to the types of solution-based research that most directly benefit each task.  Elicitation involves identifying requirements, so most research in elicitation focuses on improving the precision, accuracy, and variety of those requirements.  Modeling involves creating abstract representations of requirements, so research in this area involves improvement of scenario-based models and techniques for manipulating them.  Analysis involves the refinement and organization of requirements, so research in this area attempts to improve evaluation techniques.  Validation ensures that requirements accurately reflect the needs of stakeholders, so research into verification techniques deals mostly with communicating the requirements to stakeholders in a clear way so that an accurate assessment can be made.  Requirements management comprises numerous responsibilities, so the research areas here cover a diverse array of concerns:  automation of RE tasks, analyses of requirement stability for the purpose of isolating those most likely to change, and techniques for organizing large numbers of requirements.

Following the discussion of solution-based research, the bulk of the paper concentrates on evaluation-based research, in which there are a number of research strategies which the authors first summarize and then discuss in detail:

  • Paradigm shift: Radically new ideas change the way of thinking.
  • Leveraging other disciplines:  Analogies to other disciplines are drawn to help find solutions.
  • Leveraging technology:  New technology is applied to solving RE problems.
  • Evolutionary:  The state of the art is advanced by incremental but meaningful improvements.
  • Domain-specific:  A problem is solved in a way that applies to a specific application domain.
  • Generalization:  A domain-specific technique is generalized to apply outside of that domain.
  • Engineering:  RE techniques are simplified to make them accessible to practitioners and students.
  • Evaluation:  Existing RE techniques are assessed according to some benchmark or objective.

In addition to the detailed coverage of research strategies, Cheng and Atlee identified nine “hotspots” -- areas that are expected to have the largest impact on software engineering:

  1. Scale:  The size and complexity of software systems creates a need for improved modeling, analysis and requirements management techniques.
  2. Security:  New technologies present new security threats, which may or may not benefit from improved RE.
  3. Tolerance:  Some requirements are difficult to quantify precisely, so tolerances must be established to assess sufficient correctness.
  4. Increased Reliance on the Environment:  Systems are increasingly interoperable with other systems, so we need better ways to represent scope boundaries and interfaces.
  5. Self-Management:  Requirements and environment change frequently, and a self-managing system that can react and adapt would have numerous applications.
  6. Globalization:  Communication is difficult for globally distributed development teams.  There is a need for tools and techniques to facilitate collaboration and negotiation.
  7. Methodologies, Patterns, and Tools:  A need exists for improving the transfer of RE techniques from research into practice.
  8. Requirements Reuse:  Products from similar product lines have a large number of requirements in common.  Reusable requirements would shorten engineering timeframes and benefit from past experience, but must be adequately flexible to adapt to subtle variations.
  9. Effectiveness of RE Technologies:  The results of RE efforts are only useful if they are applicable to real-world problems.  Evidence of applicability is required in order to assess the value and utility of RE techniques and research.

The paper culminates in a thoughtful and inspiring list of recommendations, many of which involve collaboration and communication:  Researchers should work with practitioners, other researchers, and industrial organizations; repositories of artifacts should be jointly established; researchers should conduct evaluation research and proactively consider emerging technologies; and academics need to confer this knowledge to students of disciplines related to software development.

Quite a few of these research directions piqued my interest and caused me to reconsider my own selection of research area.  Cheng and Atlee’s description of the engineering research strategy rung with familiarity because it rephrased my own proposal for a book that I have outlined.  My concept involved leading the reader through the major SE lifecycle activities, describing the purpose of each one, and exploring ways to accomplish the objectives without the need to endure the complex, formal processes prescribed by most SE literature.  These simpler alternatives make software engineering much more attainable to the average developer or student, which conforms to the way Cheng and Atlee described engineering as a research strategy.

Of the nine hotspots, however, requirements reuse really grabbed my attention.  Again, the idea echoed in my mind as something for which I too have expressed a need.  As a game developer, I notice that the same basic requirements seem to be elicited repeatedly.  On the most basic level, it is fairly obvious that games within the same genre have many of the same functional gameplay requirements.  From a system perspective, each product released for a specific target platform shares many requirements with other products developed for that same platform.  Perhaps we can even consider this at a more general level, e.g. nearly all games involve similar multimedia needs, like graphics, animation, and audio.

This idea may even extend to non-functional requirements.  For instance, games generally place the highest priority on performance.  However, an MMO server also has a critical need for security, games that are intended to be expanded with downloadable content (DLC) have a need for extensibility, and the ever-increasing number of gaming devices demands portability.  I simply wonder if the possibility exists of establishing a set of core requirements that serve as a starting point for RE, and can then be extended, overridden, and supplemented to satisfy the unique needs of a new game product.

As I consider how one might go about researching the topic of requirements reuse in the domain of video games, I realize that there are a number of potential challenges.  First, we would need to define scope boundaries to provide focus for the types of requirements we will specify.  Second, this specification should be formed by experienced, professional game developers, preferable those who have completed multiple products.   Third, the requirements statements would need to be used in several projects so we have a valid sample size.  Fourth, we would need evaluation criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the requirements after the project had completed.  Finally, and most importantly, we would need a few different game development groups who are willing and able to incorporate our requirements statements, track the requirements accurately, and provide detailed, honest feedback on the outcomes.

Only after contemplating the content of these papers have I begun to feel genuine excitement about requirements engineering.  From this point forward, I am now considering requirements engineering research as a viable dissertation area.

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